Hello everyone! Times are changing and updates are happening. Just wanted to let you know that we now have a new blog. Unfortunately, the address has changed, so if have us bookmarked, you will want to change it. If you want, you can even use the subscribe function which allows you to our blog on your Google or Yahoo page so that you will know when we have updated. Please take a look and let us know what you think!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Kristin and Travis
Yesterday I had the opportunity to do a second shoot with another local photographer. We were photographing Kristin and Travis' wedding at Chico Hot Springs in Pray, MT. The day was absolutely gorgeous and the snowfall that we received just two days before the ceremony was like icing on the cake.
I had not met the couple before this day, but they were fantastic. There is so much love between these two and when they were together, their smiles never went away. They just seemed to melt into one another. When it came to their photographs, there was no question about where to go. In the snow, up the hill to the Field of Dream and enjoying the wonderfulness of such a beautiful day.

Adorable flower girl, just waiting to get ready.

Congratulations Kristin and Travis! Thank you for letting me share in your special day!
I had not met the couple before this day, but they were fantastic. There is so much love between these two and when they were together, their smiles never went away. They just seemed to melt into one another. When it came to their photographs, there was no question about where to go. In the snow, up the hill to the Field of Dream and enjoying the wonderfulness of such a beautiful day.

Adorable flower girl, just waiting to get ready.

Congratulations Kristin and Travis! Thank you for letting me share in your special day!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday at the Library
Last Friday, Mallory and I took a little trip to the library to meet with another local photographer. Since we both have kids, we decided to get together in a child-friendly location. Morgan has two beautiful little girls, Ava and Stella. Mallory doesn't spend a whole lot of time around other kids, so she was loving the new attention that she was getting. Of course, being photographers, we both had our cameras and I couldn't help but capture these cute little faces. Thanks for the wonderful visit and we will have to do it again soon!

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Black and White

This weeks contest at iheartfaces is Black & White.
Here is my child submission:

And my adult submission:
Love the face
A few nights ago, while playing with my new lens, I was taking some pictures of Mallory and Brent. I was trying to catch some father/daughter moments between the two. I was looking for the smiles that they give each other, but obviously she wasn't in the mood. Instead we got some looks that have a question written all over them. Its almost like she using her eyes to ask her dad what he is doing. I just love them!

Sunday, February 1, 2009
New Lens
This week I bought a new lens for my camera. I have been thinking about it and talking about it for a few months, so I finally just made the decision to get it. I can say that I'm definitely glad that I made the purchase. I love the lens and the pictures that it takes. I have been playing around taking some pictures and testing different elements out. Here are just a couple of shots I've taken. Of course they involve my favorite subject!

My Crazy Little Girl
I absolutely love being a mom! I have to say that it is one of the best things ever. I always knew that I wanted kids and now that I have Mallory, I know exactly why I wanted them. Brent and I have been blessed with a little girl who is happy all the time. She has her moments, but even when she is fussy, you can normally get a smile out of her. I also love that I'm a photographer and I have my very own model in my house. I can pose her or just catch her being silly and capture some of the best memories of her growing up. She is just silly and when I get shots like these two, I just can't help but get a huge grin on my face and say "Wow! She is mine!"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Bridal Affaire 2009
Saturday January 17th, was the Bridal Affaire up in the SUB on the MSU Campus. With 70+ vendors, we kicked off the day with anticipation of what lie ahead for us. This was the first year that Amestoy Photography had a booth and we were pretty excited about the whole day. Everywhere you looked there were smiling brides walking around (even a few grooms) checking out what each of the vendors had to offer. Throughout the day there were three fashion shows and food tastings. At the end of the day we were all pleased with the turnout. It was a great first year for us and we hope to attend again next year. If you attended this year, please let us know and check out our website. We are still booking for 2009 weddings as well as reserving dates in 2010. Congratulations to all the happy couples!

Wildcat Girls
It was that time again for sports pictures, but this time it was the girls' turn. We had about 24 Wildcat girls ready with their uniforms and smiles waiting for their pictures to be taken. While all the girls were practicing, we called each one up for their picture and then got the whole group together for the team shot. There are some pretty cute girls playing basketball! Without too much fuss, we got all their pictures taken and then let them get back to practice. Good luck Wildcats!

Monday, January 19, 2009
Bubble Eye
The other night Brent was giving Mallory her usual bath, when he hollered for me to come quick. Not sure what was going on, I ran into the kitchen to check things out when I see that Mallory has a bubble over her eye. It wasn't bothering her and I don't think that she even knew it was there. I decided to run and get the camera in hopes of getting a picture before it popped. I got two and then "POP" it was gone. It was one of those things that you probably couldn't duplicate if you tried.

Monday, January 5, 2009
Christmas Day
Even though it is a week or so late, we hope that you all had a great holiday! Christmas morning we woke up and checked our stockings to see what Santa had brought us during the night. We then got ready and headed to my parents house to spend the day with them. We got there about 10 in the morning and right away Mallory needed to go down for a nap. When she woke up we starting opening gifts. We were trying to let Mallory do as much herself as she could, but still she doesn't get the concept of ripping. She was more into the bows and ornaments tied to the packages than to ripping and opening. I helped her with most of her packages. After opening gifts, it was time for another nap and our dinner was ready. After dinner and cleaning up, we decided to play a few games. My mom, Brent and I all played cribbage and then my mom and I played a little rummy. We left around 7:30 in the beginning of another storm and headed to home for a bath and bedtime. It was a wonderful day spent with family and a great first Christmas with Mallory.

Look at my presents!

All warm and cozy in my tie blanket from Grandma!

Me and Grandpa opening a gift.

Look at my presents!
All warm and cozy in my tie blanket from Grandma!
Me and Grandpa opening a gift.
Christmas Eve
Now that we have our own little family, we decided to spend Christmas Eve and home with just the four of us (Fenway included). Earlier in the evening we went out to dinner with my parents and then back to our house for a quiet evening. After giving Mallory a bath and getting into pjs, we opened a couple of presents. Mallory's first present opening all by herself! (with some help from her mom of course) She was more into the paper than anything, but then she seemed to enjoy her first Christmas toy. It is a vibrating teether that looks like grapes! After opening a couple presents we all headed to bed waiting for Santa to come. It was a wonderful and relaxing first Christmas Eve!

Me and my daddy!
Me and my daddy!
Christmas in Laurel
The weekend before Christmas, we headed to Laurel to spent a little time with Brent's family. We went down on a Saturday and were planning on staying until Tuesday. Unfortunately, do to a snow storm coming through, we ended up going home on Monday, but not before we had a little present opening with the family. The kids get so excited when it comes to opening presents, theirs and everyone elses! We tried to get a kids picture before the opening began, but of the pictures that we got, this was the best. Little Makayla sure does love her cousin Mallory and wanted to keep her eye on her the whole time.

Happy New Year!!!
So, I'm not big on making resolutions just because we all know that we make them and then with in about a month, we break them. I am going to make one and hopefully it will be one that I can keep. My resolution is to blog more and quicker to keep everyone informed on our happenings. It is always on my mind, especially when I have pictures to post and events that have taken place, but then the time just seems to slip by and I don't get around to it, or it happens about two weeks later. I am going to try my best with this. I hope that you all have a happy new year!!
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